Thursday, 4 June 2015


Please read this and stand a chance to win... (lol, very dry line).

Hi Deners, 

lemme first of all greet una. 

You guys rock mehn... choi, i wasn't expecting the responses i got from you. it's quite unbelievable. and i am in love with you already.

As much as i would love for us to have an interactive session, i need your opinions on here please. 
So, we would be celebrating some of our Creative Heroes sometime soon on the blog. Well, it's one of our weekly exclusives where we get to interview some of our Screen Heroes (those who make these movies we watch possible). Starting from the directors, producers, cinematographers, down to the visual effects artists, to the editors, the sound guys, just name it.

Yes oooo. Start piling up those questions you have been meaning to ask them. I trust you na. Those magic you see on the screen and you are curious to know how they achieved them, Now is the time to get your answers. For you aspiring to be one of them, let's hear your voice.

But na beg i dey beg now o, I cant do this alone without you guys. Your voice really counts. 

We could kick off this way: you get to suggest who you want us to feature and celebrate on the blog. Stating some possible questions you might need them to answer. (not too much for you shey? lol!)

We cant do much on here without you, and as a way of giving back, though we are only 2 days old, ermmmmm, the 2nd, and 20th Dener with a contribution would get 200 naira recharge card each of any network of your choice (Choi, I have to close my eyes here ooo... I am not linda ikeji oooo. a don have her money) 

The winners would be announced, contacted and rewarded at the end of the week. 

Please, i know it is small but we need to start small to get to where we are going. Ejooo ooo. This means a lot please. 

Start following and comment. oya oya. 

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